Don’t be an ostrich. Burying your head and ignoring tax problems with the IRS is a huge mistake. Ignoring an IRS tax issue will not make it go away – they will not forget about you and it will only make matters worse. Most people bury their heads when it comes to IRS tax problems because they are scared, overwhelmed and don’t know what to do. We can help.
Leaving a tax debt unaddressed means interest and penalties will continue to pile up. It can put you at risk of having your wages garnished, your bank account levied and ultimately the IRS even has the power to seize your assets and sell them at auction. The reality is that the IRS has a lot of power it can exercise in collecting tax debts. We can help you resolve your tax problem while preventing or minimizing these threats.
We offer services to help you settle your IRS tax problem and fend off garnishment, levies and seizures. Leverage our tax code expertise and experience in dealing with the IRS to resolve your tax problems. Here are a few potential solutions that we use to help our clients solve their problems.
Ignoring an IRS problem not only won’t make the problem go away, but it gets bigger and bigger over time as interest and penalties grow. This snowball can make it feel impossible to settle your debts with the IRS. Many times, the interest and penalties are more than the original tax bill itself!